Frequently Asked Questions

Have Questions?

Here you can find some answers to the questions we get most often.

Which Systems do you Cover?

We cover:
Lots of Cal Fire for our area
Roseville (Fire and PD)
Rocklin (Fire and PD)
Lincoln (Fire and PD)
Placer Fire District
Auburn PD
Placer County Sheriff
CHP Green (Mostly Dispatch)

How Delayed is the Audio on the System?

About 5 seconds behind live,
PLUS the length of the transmission.
IE: A 10 second audio clip will be about 15 seconds delayed by the time you hear it.
IE: A 45 second audio clip will be about 50 seconds delayed by the time you hear it.
Most systems like Broadcastify are delayed by 1.5 mins to 3+ mins or more by the time you hear it..

Why do I mostly hear CHP Dispatch, and not the officers / vehicles?

CHP is on a Simplex system in our area and most of the time all we can hear is the Dispatch side. If their vehicle is close enough for our locations to hear, then you will hear both sides, but this is rare. If you live up the hill and have a good location near the freeway, we can install equipment to catch more of the officers input for the system.

What does it take to run this system?

We currently have 5 computers systems working together in-conjunction to make this site work the way it does. It’s a combination of Linux and Windows systems running many SDR units, along with multiple commercial grade antennas mounted over 20′ high on our main tower, and we are now in 3 different city locations capturing audio.

How expensive is this system to run, and what did it cost to setup?

Honestly, we try to not think about it!
It was very expensive to setup, and expensive to run.
If you find it useful, PLEASE consider donating to help us offset the high costs associated with running this system.

Where is the System Located?

We currently have 3 sites now located in East Roseville (near Oakmont High School), Applegate (off I80), and City of Auburn (off I80). We would love to add additional sites for even better reception and more coverage. Send us an email if you think you have a good site in or around Tahoe, Colfax, Ect….

How many frequencies do you monitor?

Currently, this system is actively monitoring about ~45 individual frequencies for transmissions. Our system is able to record ALL frequencies at once!! We will not miss a single transmission if other frequencies are transmitting or busy. Most scanner hardware can only monitor 2-4 frequencies simultaneously.

Why do I hear things outside Placer County?

A few reasons. One, is sometimes the single frequency covers more than Placer County IE: CHP Green covers a huge area, extending well beyond Placer Co. Also we like to cover areas near Placer, like Nevada County (Just north of Auburn up Hwy 49), like Grass Valley. So we don’t have full coverage of Nevada County but do monitor some Cal Fire up there.

Which Browser is Best?

We recommend Firefox on a Desktop or Laptop, as this tends to have the least issues with the site. Chrome will work but, it has some annoying issues.
However any web browser will do. If you choose to use a mobile device or tablet, we recommend use of our new app!!

Do you have an App to listen with?

YES!!! You can now download RDIO Scanner app from your favorite app store. Then just enter Server URL below.
No access code is needed, leave it blank.
Download Apple version of app HERE
Download Android version of app HERE

How long are recordings saved?

We typically save recordings for 30 days, but subject to change as needed. We find most people don’t need, or want to listen to recordings from weeks or months ago. So we have no desire to save them all for long periods when no one will use or need them.

Why is some traffic audio “scratchy”?

Some units on analog frequencies may have a tough time getting to the dispatch repeater. While other systems are fully digital. In digital systems you are either getting the 1’s and 0’s or you aren’t. So digital is typically crystal clear, while analog systems can be compared to listening to old radio and or TV reception.

Can I hear encrypted radio traffic?

No, you will not be able to hear any encrypted traffic on this system. You will not even see that an encrypted transmission has been received. Most traffic is not encrypted, but Roseville PD currently uses a lot of encrypted transmissions, to talk about a subjects history, birthdays, Driver License numbers, Etc, while other agencies typically don’t do this.

How can I help or donate?

If you have a good location in the foothills with high ground, good Internet, and power; we would love to install a “voter” for getting better reception “up the hill”
You can donate at either
Paypal or Venmo at:

How can we contact you?

Best way to contact us is via email: